četvrtak, 22. kolovoza 2013.

Sweet seventeen

Yesterday was my birthdaaaaaaaaaay  :D Look at the pictures of my cake and my b-day outfit! 
Love you all!

utorak, 20. kolovoza 2013.

ponedjeljak, 19. kolovoza 2013.

Let's go with balck and white

I'm in love with jumpsuits.
They are very very comfortable and cool.
I really really love black and white combinations.So my today's outfit looks like this
Enjoy the pictures my ladies.


subota, 17. kolovoza 2013.

Just imagine

I cannot even imagine where I would be today were it not for that handful of friends who have given me a heart full of joy. Let's face it, friends make life a lot more fun.
Pictures before the concert.

It was super fun with my friends.


četvrtak, 15. kolovoza 2013.

petak, 9. kolovoza 2013.


Evo ovako je kod mene bilo za Bajram.Jedan od najboljih do sada,jer je na okupu bila cijela familija,uključujući i rođake iz Norveške.Necu puno pisati,ostavljam vam nekoliko slika,koje sam uslikala za Vas.

This is how it was at my house for Eid.
One of the best until now, because the whole family was together, including cousins from Norway.
I will not write much, I leave you some pictures that I took for you.



ponedjeljak, 29. srpnja 2013.

Hot lazy days

Hello everybody!
I came back to my blog.Finally...These days I did so many things, so I was lazy on my blog.It's very very very hot and I don't have strength to write a long post, so you can see the combinations that I found for these hot days.Enjoy! 




1,2 or 3?

How do you endure these hot days?
Kako vi podnosite ove tople dane?


utorak, 9. srpnja 2013.

Street Style: Fall 2013 Couture

I don't say anything.Just enjoy in these beautiful,inspiring photos from Paris :) 
Wonderful inspiration for all of you,from the "city of love" :)

Photographed by Phil Oh